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Posts Tagged ‘December 23’

On This Day, December 23, 1982

On This Day, December 23, 1982

Road contamination prompts evacuation of Times Beach On this day in 1982, the Missouri Department of Health and the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) inform residents of Times Beach, Missouri that their town was contaminated when the chemical dioxin was sprayed on its unpaved roads, and that the town will have to be evacuated and demolished. By February, the federal and state governments had spent $36 million to buy every house in town except one (its owners, lifelong residents of ... Full Story

Sky Tonight, December 23—Southern Cross visible in

Sky Tonight, December 23—Southern Cross visible in Hawaii before sunrise

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science Visit EarthSky at Bright object in south on December evenings? It’s the planet Jupiter A reader asked us, “When can I see the Southern Cross in Hawaii?” At this time of year, Hawaiians can see the Southern Cross, which is also known as the constellation Crux, in the southern sky before dawn. The Southern Cross stands close to upright, but quite low in the sky. Notice the two nearby stars, Rigel Kentaurus and Hadar. Rigel ... Full Story