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Friday, September 13, 2024

Are you safe in Sochi?

Safe in Sochi

Are You Safe in Sochi?




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About Sochi

400,000: population

3rd: Sochi is located in the third largest region in Russia – Krasnodar.

Sunshine: Sochi is Russia’s Miami, on the Black Sea

No Snow: Does it snow in Miami? Well, it doesn’t in Sochi, the city, either.

500: number of snow guns needed just in case…for the mountain races

710,000 cubic meters of snow: amount kept in storage from last winter for the games.

6,500 feet: The average height of the Caucasus mountains around Sochi.

Sochi mascots: the polar bear, hare and snow leopard.

Space is the Place: The Sochi 2014 Olympic torch was sent to the International Space Station in November.


Sochi Olympics: By the numbers


Winter sports represented (biathlon, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, luge, skating and skiing)


Venues to be used in the Games


Days for Sochi Games from start to finish


Distance (in kilometers) between Sochi’s ‘Coastal’ and ‘Mountain’ clusters


Nations participating


Sets of bronze, silver and gold medals


Athletes competing in games


Volunteers working at games

$50 billion

Estimated cost of Sochi Olympics


The Sochi Olympics will be divided into two “clusters.”

• A coastal cluster in swampy lowlands south of the old city will host indoor hockey, figure skating and the opening and closing ceremonies.

• A mountain cluster, half an hour away by train in Krasnaya Polyana, will host things like downhill skiing


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