Ann Marie Karspeck and Joshua Finkelstein of Fort Collins announce their engagement to wed.
The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. Milan Karspeck of Berthoud and Ms. Patricia Karspeck of Loveland. Ann Marie graduated from Berthoud High School in 2001 and earned her degree in business marketing from Hawaii Pacific University in 2005. She will complete her degree in nursing from Front Range College this May.
The groom-to-be is the son of Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Regina Finkelstein of Minnetonka, Minn. He earned his degree in environmental design from University of Colorado Boulder in 2005. The couple plan a September wedding in Berthoud.
<p><span style=”font-size: small;”><span style=”font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”>Ann Marie Karspeck and Joshua Finkelstein </span></span></p>