October 2024


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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Footprints in the Sugar: A History of the Great Western Sugar Company

Author Candy Hamilton will deliver a presentation and offer a book signing of her recently published book, “Footprints in the Sugar: A History of the Great Western Sugar Company,” at the Loveland Museum/Gallery on Sunday, Aug. 16 at 2 p.m.

“Footprints in the Sugar” is a historical insight into the lives of the four gentlemen who founded the Great Western Sugar Company, The German-Russian and Mexican-Americans who came to America to work in the fields of sugar beets, the World War II POW’s who also worked the beet fields, the unscrupulous men who only wanted ownership of Great Western for personal gain, and finally, the thousands of Sugar Tramps and farmers whose dedication to the company made it a monumental success.”

What motivated Hamilton to write this book is a fascinating story in itself. She and her husband lived in Johnstown from 1998 to 2001. They lived on the site of the former Great Western Sugar Company’s molasses de-sugarizing plant. Soon after their arrival in Johnstown “it became a ritual for us to take late night, amber lit walks through the mill and warehouse,” says Hamilton. “We felt we were not alone on those walks but a physical presence was never seen. As we talked about the sense of someone walking with us, we both had the feeling the ‘presence’ was from factory days long past and was not an individual but several workers who just wanted to walk with us and relate their stories about the factory and Great Western Sugar.”

That was the beginning of a ten-year period during which Hamilton was more or less obsessed with composing her book. “I wrote the book,” she says, “to preserve as many memories and historical facts as I could and, in my own way, pay respect to all those who left their footprints in the sugar.”

Hamilton notes “Footprints in The Sugar” is not intended to be “the history” of the Great Western Sugar Company, but rather “a history” of the company.

Please visit the Web site for the book for more details: gwsfootprints.com.             

The Loveland Museum/Gallery is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thursdays 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Sundays noon to 4 p.m.; closed Mondays. For more information, please call the Loveland Museum/Gallery at (970) 962-2410. The museum is located at the corner of Fifth Street and Lincoln Avenue.

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