GOpers Working hard to Break their own Porn and Sex habits in South Carolina (Video)
South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian released the following statement and video in light of the SCGOP’s no porn, no sex Party Pledge for the 2012 election:
The Laurens County Republican Party is requiring a written pledge by all candidates for state and local office swearing off porn and sex. This requirement is being endorsed by Republican Party Chairman Chad Connelly explaining they were all “wearing the same uniform.”
Since it is apparent porn and sex must be a big enough problem in the Republican Party to warrant a written pledge to avoid them, I would be very cautious about getting into a small space like a bathroom or a voting booth with a Republican.
[youtu[/youtube]With this state facing huge economic, employment and educational issues the state Republican Party is following the lead of Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum and are more worried about what goes on in the bedroom than the classroom.
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