League Honors Young Voter for February Youth Voter Month
LARIMER COUNTY— February is Youth Voter Month and on Feb. 1, 2013, the League of Women Voters of Larimer County launches the annual ideas contest for high school students in Thompson and Poudre school districts. Any high school age student can enter by writing a simple thought or up to 300 words about “Why I Look Forward to Voting.”
Thoughts are not limited to either local, state or federal issues. For the first time, this year’s contest includes 8 prizes of $50 cash. This is in addition to the Perkins cherry pies won by several students from each high school. Prizes will be delivered to winning students at their school on Washington’s birthday, Feb 22.
“Many of today’s issues are already affecting future generations — energy production, gay marriage, immigration reform, capital punishment, global warming, international relations — the League of Women Voters thinks it’s extremely important that youth start tuning in on the critical issues the nation faces,” said Sonia Koetting, Communication Director for LWV Colorado.
Entries will be judged on sincerity and originality of thought. They may be brief, or in essay style. “Grammar matters only as it applies to conveying a clear thought,” Koetting said.
Electronic entries are due on Feb. 15, and pies will be awarded during the week of Feb. 20. Winners’ entries will appear in the LWV newsletter, and be offered to other media outlets. Every entrant will receive a letter of appreciation for the student’s enthusiasm to vote, from the local League of Women Voters. For more information about the contest, visit www.LWV-larimercounty.org or www.Facebook.com/LWVlarimercounty.
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