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Friday, October 4, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Comet Hartley’

EarthSky Tonight—October 12, Arcturus sparkles in

EarthSky Tonight—October 12,  Arcturus sparkles in western sky on October evenings

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org Is Comet Hartley 2 beginning to brighten? A bright star in the west in the evening in October – flashing colors – is Arcturus. Let us back up a minute. The extremely bright object in the east to southeast sky on these October 2010 evenings is the planet Jupiter. Still, many have asked about a bright star – not as bright as Jupiter, but still very bright and twinkling very actively – in the west after sunset. Jim wrote, ... Full Story

EarthSky Tonight-October 11, Antares is bright star

EarthSky Tonight-October 11,  Antares is bright star near moon in early evening

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org See Comet Hartley 2 from early to mid October 2010 The bright star near the moon on October 11 is Antares, Heart of the Scorpion in the constellation Scorpius. It is a red star, but you might not see its reddish color against the fading colors of twilight. Our chart shows the moon and Antares shortly after sunset, when they are low in the southwest. They will set not far behind the sun. North American viewers will see Antares to ... Full Story

EarthSky Tonight—October 10, Bright star near moon

EarthSky Tonight—October 10,  Bright star near moon is red Antares

Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science www.EarthSky.org The moon is returning to the evening sky, and that is sad news for those seeking Comet Hartley. If you have a clear western horizon – tonight and tomorrow night – you can see the waxing crescent moon and the star Antares appear rather low in the southwest sky after sunset this Sunday evening. They are low in the southwest for us at mid-northern latitudes. Look for Antares, the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius, to ... Full Story