Posts Tagged ‘Legislative Report’
Lundberg Legislative Report, 4/12/11
April 12, 2011 Topics: 1. My SIP Bill 2. Third Annual Loveland Tax Day Tea Party 3. Long Bill Debate and Vote ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. On Friday I introduced SB-237, concerning the SIP (State Implementation Plan) for controlling haze. This bill modifies the SIP submitted by the Public Utilities Commission in January. The bill also calls for a clear and transparent examination of what the SIP will cost and what ... Full Story
Lundberg Legislative Report
February 28, 2011 Topics: 1. Colorado's Sesquicentennial 2. Emissions Testing for Larimer and Weld County 3. My Bills 1. 150 years ago, on February 28, President James Buchanan signed the bill, passed by Congress, to create the Colorado Territory. Reallocated from of portions of the Utah, Kansas, Nebraska and New Mexico territories, the boarders are identical to the state of Colorado, which began in 1876. Today I introduced SJR-19, recognizing this sesquicentennial for Colorado. The text of the ... Full Story