Posts Tagged ‘November 9’
On This Day, November 9, 1938
"The Night of Broken Glass" This day in 1938 saw the organized destruction of Jewish businesses and homes in Munich, as well as the beating and murder of Jewish men, women, and children. It was an exercise in terror that would be called "Kristallnacht," or "the Night of Broken Glass," because of the cost of broken glass in looted Jewish shops—$5 million marks ($1,250,000). On November 7, in Paris, a 17-year-old German Jewish refugee, Herschel Grynszpan, shot and killed the third secretary of ... Full Story
EarthSky Tonight—Nov 9, Use constellation Cassiopeia
Courtesy of EarthSky A Clear Voice for Science David Smith of Michigan wrote, "What is the easiest way to find the Andromeda galaxy at this time of year?" “I tried a couple times with my telescope, but had no luck." Dave, the image at right shows the view of the Andromeda galaxy through a telescope. We hope you are not looking through the eyepiece of your telescope when sweeping through the sky for this galaxy. That would be hard. You need a wider field of view to spot the ... Full Story
Thompson School District Accountability Advisory
The Thompson School District Accountability Advisory Committee which monitors school effectiveness plans and the district's accountability process will meet at 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 9th at the Administration Building in the Boardroom, 800 South Taft Avenue, Loveland. The public is invited.