‘Letters to the Editor’ Archives
Museum Director Tom Vaughan says goodbye
Dear Editor, For the past 11 years I have had the privilege of directing operations for the Little Thompson Valley Pioneer Museum. My tenure with the organization ends as of January 2, 2010. I wish to thank the citizens and merchants of Berthoud, the Town of Berthoud, and the members and volunteers of the Berthoud Historical Society for the support they extended to me and our museum during this time. It isn’t possible for me to thank every individual, but I especially need to recognize ... Full Story
Letters: Nov. 5, 2009
Our Street Trees One of Berthoud’s greatest assets is its trees; something you probably don’t think about that often, but our public trees are worth over five million dollars. These are just the trees in our parks, cemetery and the public right of way. The care of these trees has always been a partnership; the town takes care of the park and cemetery trees and homeowners take care of the street trees in front of their homes and in alley ways. Most cities and towns do it this way, so ... Full Story