October 2024


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Friday, October 4, 2024

‘Letters to the Editor’ Archives

Republican War on Freedom

Letter to the Editor from the Tampa Bay Times Republicans have always touted that they were the party of less government. When did they become the party of more government? All about banning or limiting? Limit Disney, limit books, limit voting rights, limit masks, limit vaccines, limit women’s rights, limit gay rights, limit teachers’ rights, limit Black representation, limit local government control, limit school boards’ rights and limit solar energy. Republicans want to make our ... Full Story

Cancun Cruz Is A Creep

Cancun Cruz Is A Creep

“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.”— Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican from South Carolina (February 25, 2016)https://www.cnn.com/2016/02/26/politics/lindsey-graham-ted-cruz-dinner/index.html It’s long past time for the disgraceful, ridiculously racist, corrupt conservative Republican Senator from Texas, the Canadian-born Rafael “Ted” Cruz to resign. Cancun Cruz is a clueless creep who needs to get lost! ... Full Story

Tucker Carlson is a Traitor

Tucker Carlson is a Traitor

“TUCKER CARLSON IS A TRAITOR” “It is essential to use as much as possible fragments of broadcasts of the popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who sharply criticizes the actions of the United States…” — Russia’s Department of Information and Telecommunications Support (March 3, 2022) "Leaked Russian Memo" The unending pathetic parallels between the elderly, anti-American Fox “News” viewing audience and the brainwashed Russian viewers of Kremlin-controlled state media are ... Full Story

The GOP is Jonestown

The GOP is Jonestown

COVID-19 has killed over 950,000 of us here in the U. S. where we have vaccines, Because there is a loud, moronic minority called the GOP, the evil Republican Party. Those rich, racist, White Supremacist pigs lie about vaccines while they smoke cigars. The GOP is anti-vax, but pro-tobacco? Orange Jim Jones hides out in Mar-a-Lago, hiding from cameras because he’s a lardo. Kool-Aid drinking is the new Olympic sport Republicans will win, unlike when in court. At least the dominoes are lined ... Full Story

No man will ever be pregnant

About a decade ago, I had a client who asked me if I would sign a petition from his church. I asked him what the petition was for. He said it was an anti-abortion petition. I asked him “when was the last time you were pregnant”? He said his wife had had 2 babies. I asked him again “when was the last time you were pregnant”? He said his daughters had ……. I asked him one more time, with emphasis “when was the last time YOU were pregnant”? He said nothing. I told him that I would ... Full Story

Time to end the filibuster

Time to end the filibuster

To the Editor,Every senator who protects the filibuster is guilty of protecting a Jim Crow relic that was used to block civil rights legislation for decades. There’s simply no way to get around its sinister legacy. In the 20th century, the filibuster was used to block over 200 anti-lynching bills and held up the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act for 60 days. Over and over again, it’s been a weapon wielded by segregationists and white supremacists. We can’t let the filibuster continue ... Full Story

The Failure that is Donald J Trump

The Failure that is Donald J Trump

    Dear Editor, We live in unprecedented times. Between a global pandemic and an unprecedented un-presidenting, the US is in the world spotlight. While we lead the world in infections and deaths, we also lead the world in presidential self-denial.  Trump has refused to concede the election to President-elect Biden. I hope I’m not the only one that sees the irony of the Electoral College votes being the same as 2016, in reverse. Pop quiz: When is a landslide not a landslide? When ... Full Story

Stop Trump

Stop Trump

Dear editor, "We’ve got to make Trump a one-term president"—Bernie Sanders It was with that quote that Bernie Sanders endorsed Joe Biden. And as a strong Bernie supporter, I think it's important people know I'm voting for Joe Biden this November. Trump has shown himself to be a threat to our public health and safety throughout the coronavirus pandemic. He is the worst president in US history and we must do everything in our power to defeat him. Joe Biden was not my first choice. But I ... Full Story

Letter to the Editor: Impeachment

Letter to the Editor: Impeachment

Dear editor,  After spending 20 years in the US Army defending our Constitution, I feel I must speak out. The upcoming impeachment trial must be fair. Witnesses must be allowed for an honest and fair trial. Senators must base their decisions only on the evidence. The House must be allowed to present its full case -- calling necessary witnesses and allowing all evidence from the impeachment inquiry into the trial record. The American people deserve to see what this administration has done ... Full Story

The Pardoning of Ingrid (LTE)

The Pardoning of Ingrid (LTE)

Governor Polis pardoning Ingrid Encalada LaTorre is a victory and first step, it is not a Christmas miracle. It is the culmination of hard work, perseverance, and faith – emanating from Ingrid and the people she inspired. In three years of living in churches with her two children, she has inspired the dedication of people of diverse faith to help her fight to win the right to stay in the US. As a young immigrant, Ingrid made a mistake. But remember that Ingrid’s crime was simply due to ... Full Story

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