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Thursday, September 12, 2024

‘Letters to the Editor’ Archives

Haworth Annexation

Haworth Annexation

To the Editor, As a citizen of the Berthoud community, I am increasingly concerned about the issues arising in our town. I am particularly disappointed in the Town’s process that led to the annexation of the Haworth property west of County Road 19. This property was outside of Berthoud’s Comprehensive Plan for growth when the Town Board enticed the owners to apply for annexation. The issue that I have with this annexation has nothing to do with the family who owns that land. To me, it is ... Full Story

Problem solving the TSD way

Problem solving the TSD way

  To the Editor, I have a list of steps for solving problems. Here is how the TSD (Loveland) school board measured up on Wednesday night: Identify the problem.                           Student achievement is too low. What does that mean?                        Not discussed. How serious it is?                                Not discussed. How did the problem originate?         Not discussed. What do the ... Full Story

Voice against Berthoud Annexation

Voice against Berthoud Annexation

Dear Editor: The Town Administrator and Town Board made a huge mistake to pursue and pass the Haworth annexation in the face of strong public opposition. Next Tuesday they have an opportunity to correct their mistake. Here is a thumbnail history of how the Town has handled this issue, despite a clear consensus in 2007 that the Town should not expand west into rural Larimer County. First, on October 23rd, 2012, at the urging of Town staff, the Town Trustees opposed a Larimer County Rural Land ... Full Story

Selling health insurance across state lines

Selling health insurance across state lines

To the Editor, Republicans want to scrap Obamacare and, instead, allow the sale of health insurance policies across state lines, claiming that increased competition will lead to lower premiums. Will it? Let’s review a parallel history of credit card interest rates. Back in the 1970s, if you wanted a credit card, you went to your local bank. States set maximum interest rates of around 12%. In the 1980s, Congress and the Reagan Administration allowed credit cards to be issued across state ... Full Story

Candidates for Loveland City Council

Candidates for Loveland City Council

  To the Editor, Loveland’s Ward I has two candidates running for City Council.  Which would make the best Councilperson at this time? One candidate is a Loveland native and an attorney with a small, local legal office. He serves on Loveland’s Planning Commission. The other is retired corporate chemist, Irene Fortune, who has worked for British Petroleum (BP) and most recently for DuPont, the American chemical company that has developed such products as nylon, Teflon, Kevlar (vests), ... Full Story

Marchman for Board of Education

Marchman for Board of Education

Dear Editor:  Elections for the Thompson School District Board of Education are fast approaching.  Janice Marchman is a current Board of Education member who is running for re-election.  I am a teacher in Thompson School District and I have had many volunteers in my classroom over the years but never a school board member.  Janice has volunteered her time at our school for the past few years.  She mentored one of my students so I had the pleasure of witnessing first hand, on a regular ... Full Story



To the Editor, Did the Loveland petition carriers ride their bikes to City Hall to turn in their petitions? Maybe, but there are better questions about hydraulic fracturing. What really is happening out there? How often do spills occur, what have been their effects on ground and surface waters, and have there been attempts to keep this information from us? How can we get oil and gas out of the ground without poisoning drinking water or causing air pollution that leads to serious health ... Full Story

Social Security Trust Fund

Social Security Trust Fund

  To the Editor, Is the Social Security Trust Fund empty because Congress borrowed and spent the money?  No.  The Fund invested the money in U.S. treasuries, and it will be repaid as needed. Suppose you were in charge of the Fund.  Once the current year’s payments were made, what would you do with the billions of left-over dollars needed to fund future payments? Would you stuff them in a coffee can and bury them in the back yard, where they would earn no interest and thereby lose ... Full Story

What do you mean “We Lost?”

What do you mean “We Lost?”

  Apoplectic: of a kind to cause or apparently cause stroke as in an apoplectic rage; also: greatly excited or angered as in she was apoplectic over the news. Hegemony: the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group. These are my new favorite words of the week.  They perfectly define the GOP and the right’s feelings, and the cause of those feelings, after last Tuesday’s re-election of President Obama. It has been quoted that the Romney camp was ... Full Story

The “Heart” of the 2012 Presidential Campaign

The “Heart” of the 2012 Presidential Campaign

        What a privilege we have in this country to vote for the person who is arguably the most powerful head of state in the free world. Those of us who enjoy personal involvement in politics find these campaigns driven by high spirits, high expectations and even higher emotions. However, there has been a new element introduced to the election this year – that of hatred. This isn’t just “simple” hatred but rather the kind that is so intimidating that even those of ... Full Story

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