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Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Guest column’ Archives

The Forgotten

The Forgotten

By: Marcel Gemme This Memorial Day one way to honor the memory of those who fought for our country is to bring attention to the struggles of our current veterans. It's not hard to imagine how military duty can lead to mental health issues, but what many don't realize or fully appreciate is the crisis that veteran suicides have become. The annual number of Veteran suicide deaths has exceeded 6,000 each year since 2008. Something that's only now beginning to be understood is the strong link ... Full Story

A Memorial Day like no other

By Claudia Young Memorial Day Weekend, 2020, is one that is unlike the Memorial Days most of us have experienced. This huge difference is in part due to the pandemic as well as the hate mongering that is currently flourishing in our country. Wouldn’t it be a welcome relief to have a cessation of the hatred and vile accusations for even this one national holiday to reflect on the sacrifices of all who have given so much for our country through military service? This year we are more than ... Full Story

Trump botched all this

Trump botched all this

by Tom H. Hastings OK, I have seen, in my life, Eisenhower and Kennedy and Johnson and Nixon botch Vietnam. I have seen Reagan botch the Euromissile crisis alongside the AIDS outbreak. I watched George Bush the Younger and Dick Cheney utterly botch Iraq. But in my lifetime I have never witnessed any US president botch anything so disastrous as Trump has botched the response to covid 19. I didn’t know so many mistakes were even possible and he just won’t stop. His coronavirus denial was ... Full Story

Putin forever!

Putin forever!

by Mel Gurtov One trait dictators have in common: They believe in ruling for life. And since they’re dictators, they can count on supporters to echo their ambition and push for laws to ensure eternal control. We’re seeing this scenario play out in Hungary under Viktor Orban, China under Xi Jinping, Turkey under Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and Russia under Vladimir Putin. (Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is a wannabe lifer; his case is pending.)  All these men have seized on COVID-19 as an ... Full Story

Serve With Honor, Honor Those Who Serve; Or Support

Serve With Honor, Honor Those Who Serve; Or Support Trump?

by Wim Laven Starting as Armistice Day, celebrated for the first time November 11, 1919--the first anniversary of the end of World War I in 1918—what we now call Veterans Day is the observance of thanks to those who have served military duty. It acknowledges the living and the dead for honorably representing the country during peacetime and war. This year it is imperative that people understand that honor and the name Donald Trump cannot fit in the same sentence. His dishonor to the ... Full Story

At Risk—the Idea of America

At Risk—the Idea of America

by Mel Gurtov Perhaps the most damaging legacy of the Trump years is the disservice he and his associates are doing to Americans’ sense of self and nation. In ordinary times there would not be much debate about what it means to be an American or what are American values. Every school child learns these things: It’s Civics 1. Race, class, and gender identity have always been important, but generally they have been subsumed under a larger identification with the nation. “We’re ... Full Story

Yes on Proposition 112

    By Harv Teitelbaum The mountain of scientific, peer-reviewed evidence showing toxic health risks to those living near fracking operations grows almost daily. In 2012, 2014, and 2017 Colorado studies alone, toxic risks were found for neurological, respiratory, hematological, and developmental health issues, along with a higher risk of cancer. There were also higher risks for babies to be born with congenital heart defects, along with childhood acute lymphocytic ... Full Story

Waiting For Hitler

By Mel Gurtov If there is one thing I have learned as a political analyst, it is that there is no such thing as "never again." Use of weapons of mass destruction against civilians as well as soldiers? Widespread hostility toward immigrants? Ethnic cleansing and genocide? Putting autocrats in power by popular vote? A US president who is antidemocratic, criminal, and uncaring about human rights? And now, how about a new Hitler in the heart of Europe? Seems inconceivable, but a ... Full Story

Some Dare Call It Treason

  by Mel Gurtov Is Donald Trump not merely gullible, uninformed, and indifferent but actually treasonous when it comes to Russia? More and more high-profile people are saying so. He’s acting like “a Russian mole,” in the words of conservative columnist Max Boot. “America is under attack and its president absolutely refuses to defend it. Simply put, Trump is a traitor and may well be treasonous,” argues New York Times op-ed writer Charles M. Blow. The former CIA ... Full Story

Colorado Caucuses Are Not to be Missed

Colorado Caucuses Are Not to be Missed

If you have never participated in a caucus, now is the time to start. The League of Women Voters of Larimer County offers this overview of the caucus process: Caucuses are local, public meetings for voters at assigned precinct locations. They are true nitty, gritty, grassroots politics where neighbors come together to begin the election season selecting precinct committee persons and electing gubernatorial candidate delegates to the county assembly.  At the county assembly, ... Full Story

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