Posts Tagged ‘Evangelicals’
The Christian Right’s Failed Prophecies
Notable (and Hilarious) Examples of the Christian Right's Failed Prophecies The people who claim to be the conduits of God's will are scam artists. By Adam Lee, AlterNet, January 21, 2013 | The Christian right in America, like all organized religions, claims to have a correct and exclusive understanding of God's will. To hear them tell it, the almighty creator of the universe has strong opinions about corporate tax rates, firearm ownership and what consenting adults do with ... Full Story
Who Would Jesus Vote For?
Should Christians Ask: Who Would Jesus Vote For? By Doug Bandow Evangelical churches long have been called the Republican Party at prayer. The observation might be close to true in Iowa. And that should make American Christians nervous about their future in politics. The relationship of religion and politics has been fraught with controversy since America's founding. In Europe a brutal mixture of church and state harmed both institutions: faith was perverted by power, ... Full Story