Posts Tagged ‘Koch Industries’
Keystone XL – few jobs, higher gas prices
State Department: Keystone XL Pipeline Would Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs By Zoe Schanger When the State Department released their report on the Keystone XL pipeline last month, news media focused on the report’s conclusion that the pipeline would not significantly worsen carbon pollution. The finding was broadly declared a win for advocates of the project, who are now imploring the White House to approve it. But buried in the 11-chapter report was a less sunny detail: the Keystone XL ... Full Story
Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado
Outside Front Groups Spend Over $300,000 In Colorado On Anti-Energy Reform Television Ads WASHINGTON, D.C.—Special interest front groups have spent over $300,000 in Colorado on misleading and fictitious television ads aimed to advance their anti-clean energy agenda and shape the midterm elections, according to a new analysis from the Center for American Progress Action Fund. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has received funding from multinational oil corporations and foreign oil ... Full Story