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Friday, November 8, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Mel Gurtov’

At Risk—the Idea of America

At Risk—the Idea of America

by Mel Gurtov Perhaps the most damaging legacy of the Trump years is the disservice he and his associates are doing to Americans’ sense of self and nation. In ordinary times there would not be much debate about what it means to be an American or what are American values. Every school child learns these things: It’s Civics 1. Race, class, and gender identity have always been important, but generally they have been subsumed under a larger identification with the nation. “We’re ... Full Story

Waiting For Hitler

By Mel Gurtov If there is one thing I have learned as a political analyst, it is that there is no such thing as "never again." Use of weapons of mass destruction against civilians as well as soldiers? Widespread hostility toward immigrants? Ethnic cleansing and genocide? Putting autocrats in power by popular vote? A US president who is antidemocratic, criminal, and uncaring about human rights? And now, how about a new Hitler in the heart of Europe? Seems inconceivable, but a ... Full Story

No Exit? The NY Times and North Korea

No Exit? The NY Times and North Korea

by Mel Gurtov Three opinion pieces on US policy toward North Korea have appeared in the New York Times in the past week.  They deserve critical comment.  The writers are all very capable people who share a deep concern about Korea’s security and the possibility of a major blowup that would cause enormous human and material losses throughout the Asia Pacific.  As a longtime student of Korean affairs, however, I find that these commentaries—which reflect ... Full Story