Posts Tagged ‘Paul Ryan’
The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney
Government documents prove the candidate's mythology is just that By Tim Dickinson August 29, 2012 7:00 AM ET Mitt Romney likes to say he won't "apologize" for his success in business. But what he never says is "thank you" – to the American people – for the federal bailout of Bain & Company that made so much of his outsize wealth possible. According to the candidate's mythology, Romney took leave of his duties at the private equity firm Bain Capital ... Full Story
Paul Ryan is not a great intellectual
Recently we were introduced to a 2005 recording of Paul Ryan addressing the Atlas Society, apparently a fan club for Ayn Rand. In it he outlines his belief that Social Security should be privatized and turned over to Wall Street. The amazing part of his comments was that he claimed that whenever he had a legislative issue that, he would return to Rand’s 1957 novel, Atlas Shrugged and re-read all 64 pages of John Galt’s radio address. Do you find it as ... Full Story
RNC, the good, the bad, the bizarre
The 2012 Republican National Convention was a bizarre combination of misleading and deceptive speeches, poorly scripted and produced media, and a wholly ineffective public relations campaign around Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate for President who doesn’t really seem to have too many people on the American right-wing excited. As Newt Gingrich said, he doesn’t PARTICULARLY dislike Mitt Romney. This seems to be true of many Republicans, who certainly prefer President Obama leave ... Full Story
GOP budget, poverty for most
Once upon a time, the United States was a prosperous nation with a strong middle class. The middle class had achieved what President Theodore Roosevelt dreamed for the middle class; a living wage that allowed them to take care of their family, buy a house, save some for old age. These people were able to live the American Dream and they purchased the products made in factories in the U.S. They were able to support charities and community activities. Workers shared in the wealth created by their ... Full Story