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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Reagan’

The parties are not the same

The parties are not the same

Do American liberals ever pay attention to the corruption in the Democratic Party at all? If so, why do they insist that the Republican Party is worse? Quora Question: Answered by: Randy Weir: Author, journalist, minister Lifelong conservative and former Republican here. Let’s run through this. Reagan should have been impeached over Iran-Contra, but Oliver North perjured himself to protect him, and became a Republican hero for doing so. Bill Clinton lied about an affair and was impeached. ... Full Story

Selling health insurance across state lines

Selling health insurance across state lines

To the Editor, Republicans want to scrap Obamacare and, instead, allow the sale of health insurance policies across state lines, claiming that increased competition will lead to lower premiums. Will it? Let’s review a parallel history of credit card interest rates. Back in the 1970s, if you wanted a credit card, you went to your local bank. States set maximum interest rates of around 12%. In the 1980s, Congress and the Reagan Administration allowed credit cards to be issued across state ... Full Story

Is President Obama a big spender?

Is President Obama a big spender?

The answer is a big yes and no. As Mark Twain said, “Figures don’t lie, but liars figure.” It is not exactly a case of “lying,” but rather a case of putting a spin on what the numbers mean. The two articles from Forbes Magazine presented below are excellent examples.     In “ Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower?”  a May, 2012 article, Rick Ungar makes the case that it is Barack Obama. He includes a graph that shows the annualized growth in federal ... Full Story

How Politics Damaged Obama’s Recovery (CHART)

How Politics Damaged Obama’s Recovery (CHART)

          By Brian Beutler Last week we brought you this chart, demonstrating that the unemployment rate under President Obama is coming down fairly quickly — though not as quickly as it did under President Reagan in the months before he won a landslide re-election in 1984. Here’s a major reason why. Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis illustrates a key difference between Reagan’s first term and Obama’s: the pliancy of the Congresses they had to work ... Full Story

GOP budget, poverty for most

GOP budget, poverty for most

Once upon a time, the United States was a prosperous nation with a strong middle class. The middle class had achieved what President Theodore Roosevelt dreamed for the middle class; a living wage that allowed them to take care of their family, buy a house, save some for old age. These people were able to live the American Dream and they purchased the products made in factories in the U.S. They were able to support charities and community activities. Workers shared in the wealth created by their ... Full Story