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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Rev. James L. Snyder’

Visiting my family is a relative experience

  By Rev. James L. Snyder I was reminded recently that the only thing growing in my family tree are fruits and nuts. Personally, I am not sure if I am a fruit or a nut. Just do not ask my wife. I had been away for so long I had forgotten many things about my family. My recent visit served as a refresher course reminding me why I had moved away in the first place. Memory sometimes pays little tricks causing us to remember the "good old days" and forgetting that sprinkled in among the good ... Full Story

High inflation reaches a new low

By  Rev. James L. Snyder I am not usually given to protesting much of anything these days. "Live and let live," is the motto I go by and up until now, it has served me rather well and I have no complaints. I must confess, however, that recently I have been challenged in this area of my life. I have tried to keep my cool and have succeeded to a minimal success. I know one of these days I am going to turn into Popeye where he says, "That's all I can stands, I can't stands n'more?" Then, look ... Full Story

The taxing of my fragile sanity

Rev. James L. Snyder I'm fine now, but such was not the case this past week. Normally, I am not given to procrastination, except when it comes to giving my money away. I am not Mr. Scrooge but I am Mr. Fugal. I always pay my income tax but I also wait until the last minute to write that check and autograph it for good old Uncle Sam. I was thankful to have several extra days to do it this year. Instead of April 15, the government extended to April 18. I am not sure the reason nor do I care to ... Full Story

One man’s joke is another man’s hug

Rev. James L. Snyder To anybody that knows me, (and can anybody really know anybody else?); they would readily affirm that I am not addicted to hugging. Let me point out very quickly I am not allergic to it either. I just believe a good hearty handshake says everything I want to say to anybody I meet. This is biblical. The Bible talks about extending to one another the right hand of fellowship, and nothing says it better than a firm, hearty handshake. Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking ... Full Story

A really short history of broccoli

  Rev. James L. Snyder Have you ever had serious second thoughts about something? Of course, I usually have severe trouble with establishing first thoughts. But once I have finished a serious thought I like put it behind me and go on with life. For example. For years, people have been telling me how harmful drinking coffee is. Something to do, so they tell me, with being addicted to caffeine. Then, if I cannot give up coffee, I am to limit the number of cups of coffee I drink per day. This ... Full Story

Dealing with my recent drug problem

Rev. James L. Snyder It all began for me about four months ago. I was busy with my work when the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage came and interrupted me. Really, I do not mind interruptions. An interruption, from anybody, is a wonderful excuse to stop what you are doing and take a break. The older I get the more breaks I seem to need. "I think we ought to take a vacation," she said. Well, when my wife comes up with a good idea she comes up with a good idea! I did not know if we were voting ... Full Story

How to make up for lost time

  By Rev. James L. Snyder Have you ever had the feeling that you lost something but could not quite figure out what? This has been bugging me all week long. It is a good thing I lost my mind years ago or this might cause me to lose it. I remember the day I lost my mind but I cannot remember anything after that date All week long, I had this nagging feeling in the back of my head that I had lost something and that it was something rather important. I sat down in my easy chair and tried to ... Full Story