Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Jefferson’
Mt. Rushmore After Dark, a conversation of patriots
By Kurt Stone (about the author) (The following "conversation" is only partly a product of my imagination; all of the italicized lines represent actual quotes from the four men looking out from Mt. Rushmore . . . ) T. Roosevelt: "Psst . . . Mr. Lincoln . . . Are you awake? In the mood for a chat? I've got a horrific case of insomnia and just know that I'm going to be up all night. I've got a lot on ... Full Story
The wealthy’s rewards
The study that shows why Occupy Wall Street struck a nerve By Eugene Robinson Opinion writer The hard-right conservatives who dominate the Republican Party claim to despise the redistribution of wealth, but secretly they love it — as long as the process involves depriving the poor and middle class to benefit the rich, not the other way around. That is precisely what has been happening, as a jaw-dropping new report by the nonpartisan Congressional ... Full Story
On this Day: October 20, 1803
U.S. Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase On this day in 1803, the U.S. Senate approves a treaty with France providing for the purchase of the territory of Louisiana, which would double the size of the United States. At the end of 18th century, the Spanish technically owned Louisiana, the huge region west of the Mississippi that had once been claimed by France and named for its monarch, King Louis XIV. Despite Spanish ownership, American settlers in search of new land were already ... Full Story