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Monday, October 14, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Tom’s Dispatch’

Tomgram: How to Hijack an Election

Tomgram: How to Hijack an Election

Follow TomDispatch on Twitter @TomDispatch. In case you hadn’t noticed, someone recently loosed a satirist in American politics.  Let me give you an example.  You remember FBI Director James Comey, who gained a certain notoriety by stepping into the limelight 11 days before the recent presidential election via a very publicly dispatched letter to the Congressional leadership.  It focused on an FBI investigation into emails from Hillary Clinton believed to be ... Full Story

 Drafted by the National Security State

 Drafted by the National Security State

  Posted by William Astore at 8:03am, June 12, 2014. Click on picture for more images of Willie and Joe On the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings, Brian Williams led off NBC Nightly News this way: “On our broadcast tonight, the salute to the warriors who stormed the beaches here in Normandy...”  It’s such a commonplace of our American world, that word “warriors” for those in the U.S. military or, as is said time and again, our “wounded warriors” for those hurt in ... Full Story