Posts Tagged ‘U.S. Senator’
Udall Urges Senate Colleagues to Support Middle-Income
Udall Urges Senate Colleagues to Support Middle-Income Americans, Small Businesses by Expanding Payroll Tax Cuts Releases County-by-County Report on Potential Effect of Payroll Tax Cut on CO Families Today, Mark Udall urged his Senate colleagues to expand the payroll tax cuts that were enacted last year, lowering the tax burden on Colorado's middle-income workers, helping business owners bolster our still-recovering economy and saving the average family around a thousand dollars a ... Full Story
Udall’s Newsletter Update
Mark's Newsletter Update: $15,000,000,000,000 November 23, 2011 Dear Fellow Coloradan, This month, the United States hit an unfortunate milestone. Our national debt officially passed $15 trillion – an enormous number that represents a serious threat not just to our economy, but also to our national security. This week, the bipartisan congressional "super committee" was unable to reach a deal to cut at least $1.2 trillion from our national debt before its deadline. Its ... Full Story
Udall Statement on Super Committee’s Failure to
In response to news that the super committee has failed to reach a deficit reduction deal, Mark Udall issued the following statement urging Congress to bring the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction proposal to the floor of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and to pass a balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution. "Today's news is disappointing and frustrating for Coloradans who want leaders capable of making tough decisions and guiding our nation through difficult ... Full Story
Udall Statement on Budget Deal
Mark Udall’s statement regarding the budget agreement reached tonight between Democrats and Republicans: April 8, 2011 “I congratulate both Democrats and Republicans for coming together and agreeing on a budget compromise. Shutting down the government would’ve affected tens of thousands of Coloradans and their livelihoods were at stake. Military families were worried about receiving their paychecks, farmers would’ve waiting for operating loans to put seed in the ground, and ... Full Story