Weld County, Colo. – Northern Colorado farm and ranch organizations and public officials have announced an ag rally to show support for the Northern Integrated Supply Project, a proposed water storage project that is a cooperative venture between agricultural ditch companies and growing northern Front Range communities. NISP would help prevent the aggressive dry up of thousands of additional acres of farmland in Northern Colorado while providing a responsible water management tool for growing Northern Front Range communities.
“Had the NISP project been in place in the last two years, Colorado would have been able to capture and store more than 150,0000 acre feet of water from the Poudre and South Platte basins alone, said Alan Foutz, President of the Colorado Farm Bureau, an agricultural organization that supports the project. “Instead, Colorado must watch as that water flows downstream to Nebraska.”
The rally will demonstrate the agricultural communities’ strong support for this critical water storage project. The rally will be held at Anderson Farms in Erie, (6728 CR 3-1/4, Erie 80516) 2.5 miles east of I-25 and 1 mile north on County Road 3–1/4 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. rain or shine. (Click here for a map to Anderson Farms)
The rally will feature speakers from the farming and livestock community in Northern Colorado, agricultural industry representatives and elected officials. It will be an opportunity to highlight the importance of water storage to the future of agriculture in the region, and the strong farm and ranch community support for NISP. The public is welcome. A BBQ lunch will be served.
“This rally is the best way we know to show the public and our elected officials that the Colorado agricultural community is in unanimous support of the Northern Integrated Supply Project,” said Foutz.
For further information, contact: Shawn Martini at 303.895.5070 or smartini@colofb.com, or Brian Werner at 970.622.2229 or bwerner@ncwcd.org.
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