It all seems too well timed. At a critical point in the campaigns, with Romney trailing in the polls, an inflammatory video insulting the Prophet Mohammad is placed on YouTube and demonstrations begin. Team Romney is listening in and cannot wait to make a statement and blame the president.
Why did this happen just now? Why was Team Romney so closely monitoring the twitter account of the Egyptian Embassy? The answer may be found by following the money. Who financed the production of this film? We know that the right wing is anti-Islamic and apparently wants to start a war with all Islamic countries. What better way to promote that agenda and try to make the president look weak than by starting an Islamic insurrection.
Follow the money. While it may not be Team Romney directly, we must ask if one of Romney’s right wing billionaire backers or SuperPacs financed this film and then tipped off the campaign to listen for trouble in the Middle East. Given the quickness and ineptness of the Romney statement about the events in Egypt, this scenario makes a great deal of sense. Knowing who supplied the money would provide a lot of answers.
More Reading on the current crisis
Anti-Islam film: Thousands protest around Muslim world
Actor: Anti-Islam filmmaker ‘was playing us along’
New details emerge of anti-Islam film’s mystery producer
Hidden Causes of the Muslim Protests
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