Posts Tagged ‘cost of war’
Republicans Want Veterans to Just Trust Them
Graphic: Groobiecat Sources: Below No Need to Mention Vets. According to VetVoice--and myriad other news organizations--the GOP budget proposed by Republican Rep. Paul Ryan doesn't even mention veterans. Read More at groobiecat
Ryan budget abandons vetrans
MSNBC Veteran spending missing from Paul Ryan's Budget (Video) Karen Finney, "There is one place where veterans , remarkably, are absent. congressman paul ryan 's new budget. in the nearly 100-page document, the word veteran does not appear even once. but without saying that word or writing that word, this budget, if enacted, would cut $11 billion from veteran spending when compared to president obama 's budget. someone who has taken this issue on is john salts, who is the chairman of ... Full Story