News for Norther Colorado and the world

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘job creation’

Romney Budget increases the deficit

    These two videos clearly show why the "Ryan Budget" does not decrease the deficit or the national debt.   Robert Reich Explains The Romney / Ryan Budget Plan   This Lady Isn't Even Trying To Make Paul Ryan Look Dumb

Mendacious Mitt

Mendacious Mitt

    Why Does Mitt Romney Like Firing People? Because He Made $20,000 On Every Laid-Off Worker  By Axel Tonconogy Mitt Romney would prefer for you to recall just one number regarding his record at Bain Capital. That would be 100,000 — the number of jobs that the Republican candidate  claims he created during 15 years at the private equity firm. But now there is a more interesting, plausible and relevant number: $20,000. That’s how much money Romney is estimated to have made ... Full Story

Hurt Obama, don’t hire

Hurt Obama, don’t hire

          Tea Party Group Urges Small Businesses ‘Not To Hire A Single Person’ To Hurt Obama By Marie Diamond Congressional Republicans have acted shocked and offended at Democrats’ suggestions that they are intentionally sabotaging the economy to try to win back the White House in 2012. Republicans have refused to pass President Obama’s jobs plan — which experts estimate will create at least 1.9 million jobs — and proposed an alternative plan that ... Full Story

“Taxing the rich is not a job killer”

“Taxing the rich is not a job killer”

  In Business Insider Venture Capitalist Shreds The Idea That Taxing The Rich Is A Job Killer by Lisa Du In an Bloomberg op-ed yesterday, venture capitalist Nick Hanauer laid out a very different point of view on the age-old, Republican-favored argument of "if taxes are raised on the rich, job creation will stop." This particular point has been at the forefront in opposing nearly every policy debate about raising taxes on the rich. Hanauer's contrarian view looks at the state of job ... Full Story

Fact-checking CNN GOP debate

Fact-checking CNN GOP debate

Fact-checking the CNN/Tea Party Express GOP Debate By Bill Adair The CNN-Tea Party Express debate in Tampa on Monday night was dominated by talk about Social Security and the need for government to balance its budget. Read More

Udall Unveils Roadmap

Udall Unveils Roadmap to Create Jobs, Reduce National Debt and Streamline Government Plan Will Guide Udall Agenda for Legislation in New Congress   Today, Mark Udall launched his plan to get the state’s—and country’s—economy back on track: Colorado Winning the Global Economic Race.  His roadmap calls for a three-pronged approach: reducing the national debt, support for innovation, and reform from within. Udall developed his plan after talking with Colorado small-business owners ... Full Story