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Friday, October 4, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘oil’

Forbes: Keystone XL may raise gas prices

Forbes: Keystone XL may raise gas prices

  Keystone XL could be a terrorist target. Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them By Tim Worstall There’s two things we can say about the effect of the Keystone XL pipeline on gas prices. One is that it will, if built, have no effect at all upon gas prices and the other is that it might actually raise them. Which ends up being the final effect depends upon quite what you want to believe about the way the market operates at present. The standard view ... Full Story



To the Editor, Did the Loveland petition carriers ride their bikes to City Hall to turn in their petitions? Maybe, but there are better questions about hydraulic fracturing. What really is happening out there? How often do spills occur, what have been their effects on ground and surface waters, and have there been attempts to keep this information from us? How can we get oil and gas out of the ground without poisoning drinking water or causing air pollution that leads to serious health ... Full Story

Gardner: More Republican lies

Gardner: More Republican lies

In a press release to the editor (following) Cory Gardner uses an old technique to twist the truth, nay, even lie. He introduces as truth something which is not true or is only his opinion. Introducing such a statement is called using a “strawman.” After making the statement, in this case that the Obama administration discriminates against oil and gas, he then uses the statement to attack the administration. This seems to be a tactic of the current crop of Republicans. Since they do not ... Full Story

Occupy Our Fears of Iran

By Winslow Myers U.S. behavior long ago provided one causal context for our unease about the presumed nuclear aspirations of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the U.S. and Britain messed with Iran’s last authentically democratic election in 1953, fearing communist influence and the nationalization of oil. U.S. oil corporations, a minor partner before the CIA overthrew elected Mohammad Mossadegh and installed the dictatorial Shah, then became the largest profiting entity, even more than the ... Full Story

On This Day, December 23, 1982

On This Day, December 23, 1982

Road contamination prompts evacuation of Times Beach On this day in 1982, the Missouri Department of Health and the federal Centers for Disease Control (CDC) inform residents of Times Beach, Missouri that their town was contaminated when the chemical dioxin was sprayed on its unpaved roads, and that the town will have to be evacuated and demolished. By February, the federal and state governments had spent $36 million to buy every house in town except one (its owners, lifelong residents of ... Full Story

Gardner keeps pressure to OK drilling in Chukchi and

Gardner, pro-energy coalition keeps pressure on Obama Administration to OK drilling in Chukchi and Beaufort Seas WASHINGTON D.C. – Despite the Obama Administration’s feet dragging on drilling permits in Alaska’s Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), Rep. Cory Gardner (R-CO) and a diverse group of elected officials, business owners, community leaders and Alaskan residents are not giving up their efforts to see that the nation’s energy resources are not held hostage by frivolous legal ... Full Story

On This Day, December 2, 2001

On This Day, December 2, 2001

Enron files for bankruptcy On this day in 2001, the Enron Corporation files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in a New York court, sparking one of the largest corporate scandals in U.S. history. An energy-trading company based in Houston, Texas, Enron was formed in 1985 as the merger of two gas companies, Houston Natural Gas and Internorth. Under chairman and CEO Kenneth Lay, Enron rose as high as number seven on Fortune magazine's list of the top 500 U.S. companies. In 2000, the company ... Full Story