Posts Tagged ‘Public education’
Romney, view of world and education
Romney's World View By Michael Brenner Mitt Romney's provocative remarks in Jerusalem this week on Palestine and Iran have focused attention on how he thinks about American foreign policy generally. Beyond the immediate controversy, there is fresh reason to puzzle as to who exactly the Republican presidential nominee is and who are the people he relies on for advice. For his reputation in the United States as a reserved, scripted candidate who strives to avoid impetuous ... Full Story
Public schools vs charter schools
There has been much attention lavished on the subject of charter schools recently. The proposal of the Red Rock Academy in Berthoud has brought out a lot of emotion and rhetoric by those for and those against the charter school Much has been written about charter schools in the United States and those articles may help shed some light on charter schools in general. One of the most important questions is whether charter schools are superior to public schools. The answer seems to be “It ... Full Story
Epitaph for the 3-R’s
Last week President Obama signed an executive order allowing states to "opt out" of the reading and math requirements of No Child Left Behind. After all, who needs to know math when everyone has their own calculator. And kids don't need to read when they've got video games. Oh, and the last "R", writing, was already dead - everyone "texts" these days. That's why so many entering college freshmen need to take a remedial writing course. With the 3-R's dead, the ... Full Story