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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Rush Limbaugh’

Limbaugh Lies exposed

Limbaugh Lies exposed

Actually, everything Rush Limbaugh says is fiction. Designed to enrage and misinform and to make him a great deal of money. Here is a compendia of Limbaugh Lies. Rush Limbaugh Lies, Says Food Stamps Causing Obesity  This week Rush Limbaugh continued his frequent attacks on the poor with a story that the government is keeping poor African Americans obese by giving them food stamps. The only problem? Limbaugh is completely full of it: RUSH LIMBAUGH: They destroy people's life. You know-a, ... Full Story

A Tale of Three Apologies: Ed Schultz, Cal Thomas, and

  Compare the difference between apologies of Rush Limbaugh and those of Ed Schultz and Cal Thomas: Schultz and Thomas both appeared publicly to make their apologies (Schultz's on air apology to Laura Ingraham and to the public lasted approximately 10 minutes) and made a telephone call to the "victium" to make a personal apology. Schultz took a week of unpaid leave from his television show. Limbaugh did none of those things. He really did not apologize for what he said, only for using ... Full Story

Limbaugh’s Lady Lies

Limbaugh’s Lady Lies

        Sandra Fluke's Testimony and Issues of Church and State Posed to Constitutional Democracy by Those Who Hoped to Silence Her  Guest blogged by Ernest A. Canning "When you let university administrators or other employers rather than women and their doctors dictate whose medical needs are legitimate and whose are not, a woman’s health takes a back seat to a bureaucracy focused on policing her body." - Georgetown Univ. Law Student, Sandra Fluke One unfortunate aspect ... Full Story

Quote of the Day

President Obama's chief strategist David Axelrod speaking about Mitt Romney's failure to condemn conservative talk radio show host Rush Limbaugh: "If you don't have the strength to stand up to the most strident voices in your party, how will you stand up to Ahmadinejad?"

Limbaugh, how many listeners

Limbaugh, how many listeners

      A Challenge to Rush: Prove Your Ratings Cenk Uygur Host of The Young Turks  How many listeners does Rush Limbaugh have? Well, in the press there are only two numbers you'll ever see -- 20 million or 15 million. Those are large numbers, so that is why Limbaugh is taken seriously and is believed to be influential. I've got news for you -- those numbers are a total fabrication. They're made up out of whole cloth. You want to know where the 20 million number came from? It was ... Full Story

Is Rush Limbaugh Gay?

Is Rush Limbaugh Gay?

Limbaugh apology  In the Washington Post Today, a very insincere apology from Rush Limbaugh to Sandra Fluke. Limbaugh apologized for the insults saying he “did not intend a personal attack on her.” Really. How can calling someone a slut and a prostitute not be intended to be a personal attack? How else can you characterize actions? Limbaugh must thing we are stupid. Only his fans will believe his sincerity and it is likely that he will be playing the victim on his next ... Full Story