Posts Tagged ‘terrorists’
This Morning, 7th Church Near Ferguson Burned Down In
By Sabrina Joy Stevens Predominantly black churches in North St. Louis, Missouri, which is near Ferguson, have been targeted by one or possibly more arsonists in the past 11 days. St. Louis and the surrounding region have been home to a resurgence of new-era Civil Rights organizing in the wake of the 2014 killing of Mike Brown by Ferguson police. The Ferguson uprising is credited with launching the nationwide #BlackLivesMatter movement. This recent string of arsons is the second wave ... Full Story
United States, the last empire?
And Then There Was One Imperial Gigantism and the Decline of Planet Earth By Tom Engelhardt It stretched from the Caspian to the Baltic Sea, from the middle of Europe to the Kurile Islands in the Pacific, from Siberia to Central Asia. Its nuclear arsenal held 45,000 warheads, and its military had five million troops under arms. There had been nothing like it in Eurasia since the Mongols conquered China, took parts of Central Asia and the Iranian plateau, and rode into the ... Full Story
Congress fears the NRA
Update: Confirmed, Congress is Owned By The NRA by Paul Canning Last week, I reported on how a poll had found that the vast majority of Americans supported some restrictions on gun ownership. I also reported on how the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence would be lobbying Congress — here’s what they asked Congress members to support: I believe that these people should not be able to buy, own or carry a gun anywhere in ... Full Story