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Updated March 6, 2018







Provide by
Larimer County Sheriff’s Department
Berthoud Squad

February 1-4

Thursday, February 1

Family Problems: 3rd Street, a 13-year-old girl and her mother were contacted near the railroad tracks on 3rd Street in a what appeared to be a disturbance or possible runaway juvenile scenario. An argument was disclosed but nothing further initially. Both agreed to go home and remain apart for the night.

Attempted First Degree Assault of a Peace Officer / Obstructing a Peace Officer: Murrlet Street, while deputies were attempting to take an 18-year-old Berthoud woman into custody on a warrant, her 23-year-old husband obstructed the arrest. He was armed with two knives and later attempted to get a third knife from inside of a vehicle. The man was taken into custody after a successful taser deployment. The man was taken to jail uncooperative while making threats about hurting deputies.

Vehicle Crash/Non-Injury: S. Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway, a driver was travelling northbound on Hwy 287 when she lost control of her vehicle. Her vehicle crossed the median into the southbound lanes and struck another vehicle who was southbound.

Vehicle Crash/Non-Injury/Too Fast for Conditions: S Hwy 287/Berthoud Parkway, a driver was traveling north on Hwy 287 when she lost control due to her speed. She then hit another vehicle who was waiting to turn north onto Berthoud Parkway.

Scam: Keep Circle, a resident received a letter in the mail requesting personal information to dispute a credit report regarding negative remarks being added to his credit report. The resident called the number listed and provided the information.

Drug Possession: Spartan Avenue, two 15-year-old students were found to have “marijuana wax” in their possession.

Friday, February 2

Revoke License-Habitual Traffic Offender / Uninsured Vehicle / Violation of Bond Conditions / Fictitious License Plates: E CR 6C / Springhill Lane, a 54-year-old Berthoud man was contacted for several traffic violations and booked on the above charges.

Warrant Arrest: S. Hwy 287 and Berthoud Parkway., a 35-year-old Loveland woman was contacted for a traffic violation and found to have a warrant for her arrest.

R.I.P. Adams County Deputy Heath Gumm, End of Watch January 24, 2018.

Saturday, February 3

Illegal Possession of Marijuana by an Underage Person: E. Indiana Avenue, at 4:00 in the morning a deputy contacted a 19 and 18-year-old in a vehicle at Pioneer Park. They were found to be in possession of marijuana.

Warrant Arrest / Revoked License: 1st Street and CR 10E, a 35-year-old driver was contacted for a traffic violation and found to have a warrant for his arrest and revoked license.

Sunday, February 4

Found Property: Mountain Avenue, a citizen turned a wallet into the Berthoud Fire Department.

Scam: Welch Avenue, a resident said he was on the adult site, “Meet me” and was chatting with a girl. The resident is now getting phone calls from someone posing as the girl’s father and someone posing as a “detective”. The callers stated the girl was a minor and demanded compensation or he would be charged

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 8
Vehicle Problems – 5
Other Ordinance Problems – 9

February 5-11

Monday, February 5

Attempted Robbery: CR17 / Bunyan Avenue, 20-year-old male fled during a traffic stop for speeding and a vehicle pursuit ensued; pursuit terminated for public safety. The male was tracked to his residence in Berthoud and his vehicle was parked in front of the residence. The man was located after an hour and then was arrested. It was determined while Deputies were looking for the man that he grabbed a woman out walking her dog in an attempt to steal her wallet. She struggled with the man and was able to escape.

Burglary: 2nd Street, 45-year-old male reported his business had been broken into and had a Sony A 77 camera and 6 lenses stolen. A black Google Pixel phone was also stolen. An older white van with a black stripe along the bottom and an industrial lift on the back had driven by multiple times after the burglary. Security footage caught a Male wearing a hooded work coat, cargo pants, and tennis shoes.

Tuesday, February 6

Mental Health hold: Mountain Avenue 48-year-old woman was placed on an M1 hold at McKee after calling Clearview Behavioral and stating she had overdosed on her Benzos. She also made suicidal statements to Deputies.

Theft: 5th Street, 60-year-old female called to report someone she let stay at her house stole stuff from her. The woman she let stay there moved but left behind a flat screen and some syringes. The 60-year-old woman could not specifically say what was stolen and declined charges for the theft.

Wednesday, February 7

Theft: Redwood Circle, 66-year-old woman reported she let a 53-year-old man stay with her to help out around the house. Her cellphone, some cash and jewelry went missing. She suspected him, so she kicked him out. He is no longer in the area and no evidence has been uncovered to prove he took the items.

Thursday, February 8

Crimes against at risk adult: E. Colorado Avenue, 78-year-old female reported someone hacked her credit card account at US Bank and opened a checking account in her name. They then transferred money from her credit card to the checking account. The bank caught it at that point and shut it down before they got any money. Most likely a phishing email the woman had entered her information into.

Friday, February 9

Saturday, February 10

Driving under Restraint: CR 15 / CR 6C, 28-year-old man was contacted after passing the road closed barricade. Confirmed revoked-HTO. A 25-year-old male passenger had a misdemeanor warrant. One received a citation and the other was arrested.

Sunday, February 11

Code enforcement

Animal Problems – 6
Parking Problems- 9
Other ordinance violations- 9

February 12 – 18

Monday, February 12

Theft: South 1st Street,71-year-old female reported an unknown suspect stole a package from her mail box.

Tuesday, February 13

Driving under the influence: Mountain Avenue / 8th Street, 52-year-old male was contacted for a driving offense and was arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence.

Wednesday, February 14

Obstructing telephone service: 4th Street, 30-year-old female reported a 34-year-old male took the phone out of her hand and left the residence with it. Warrant will be sought.

Thursday, February 15

Motor Vehicle Crash: Hwy56 / Weld CR7, 42-year-old female failed to stop in time for slowed traffic because she was looking at her Mt Dew can. She is the one who sustained injuries and her vehicle had to be towed. The other party involved drove away with no injuries. At fault driver cited. Do the Dew.

Assist: Franklin Ave, Staff called to report that one resident punched another resident. Further investigation revealed a 45-year-old female, who has the mental status of a 7-year-old, was agitated because his mom left early from the visit. He was animated with his arms as he was walking down the hall and struck a 67-year-old female, who also has an altered mental state, in the arm. Does not appear to be intentional and no apparent or obvious injuries.

Civil: 1st Street, business neighbors are at odds over who can access what part of the parking lot. A delivery driver out of Brighton, was blocking the entire entrance today and refused to move when asked by a business owner. The other business owner was contacted and advised to make sure drivers do not block the entrance or they will start getting cited under municipal ordinance for blocking a passageway. And then you wonder why my hair is grey.

Assist: 7th Street / Massachusetts Avenue, 33-year-old female  was found unresponsive on the ground, she was transported by Medical personnel to a local hospital.

Friday, February 16

Motor Vehicle Crash: 8th Street / Columbine Circle, 60-year-old male pulled out of his driveway and struck a car that was driving northbound on 8th St. At fault driver cited.

Saturday, February 17

Assist: Bimson Avenue, Resident has been receiving texts messages from an unknown person and called the Sheriff Office to report. Deputy met with resident and learned the text message constituted a conversation and did not violate the law. Resident also told deputy he was not done conversing with the unknown texted. Social Media is the root of all things bad.

Sunday, February 18

Vehicle Trespass: Mt Massive Street, a 70-year-old male reported that someone entered his vehicle and took a Maglite and some keys. No usable evidence in the vehicle. Follow-up will be conducted to see if the neighbor’s camera recorded anything.

Family Problems: 2nd Street, Mother of a 33-year-old male and a 35-year-old male called because they were intoxicated and causing issues at the residence, some of the issues were over one of the men’s girlfriend. Both sons are on parole with ankle monitors. And this is why our jails are full, we never learn.

Code enforcement

Animal Problems – 6
Parking Problems- 6
Other ordinance violations- 4

February 19 – 25

Monday, February 19

Family Problem: 6th Street, a husband is claiming his wife hit him and he told her he was “calling the cops”. Not to be outdone the wife said she was going to call first.

Family Problems: Woodcock Street, a resident reported she is in a legal battle with her sister. She stated someone called the realtor claiming to be an Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Deputy asking for information. The realtor called Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Office and they advised they did not make that call. The resident believes it was her sister.

Tuesday, February 20

Vehicle Theft: E. Michigan Avenue, a resident left her vehicle unlocked and running while she was getting ready for work. The vehicle was later recovered unoccupied in Mead. Another vehicle was stolen near that location and recovered in Longmont. The knucklehead stopped to get gas in the second car and was caught on video that was when the Longmont police then identified him as a frequent flyer or driver in this case.

Vehicle Crash – Property Damage: S. Hwy 287 & Berthoud Parkway, a driver was unable to stop, and rear ended another vehicle. She was cited. 

Felony Eluding / Possession of Controlled Substance / License Denied / Reckless Endangerment / Trespass / Possession of Paraphernalia / Warrant Arrest: S. Highway 287, a 28-year-old Berthoud man failed to yield and traveled south on Highway 287 from Hog Wild before exiting onto 1st Street at a high rate of speed. A deputy successfully deployed spikes as the pursuit entered Berthoud. The passenger bailed from the vehicle after it went off the pavement and onto the snow. Vehicle became stuck in a ditch and the driver then ran on foot and was apprehended as he attempted to hide in a window well. Meth and Heroin were found in the vehicle so both parties were booked for warrants and controlled substance. The driver was booked on the rest.

Wednesday, February 21

License Denied / Uninsured Motor Vehicle / Expired Registration: S. Hwy 287 & Berthoud Parkway, 46-year-old Boulder woman was contacted for several traffic violations. Summonsed and released on above charges, vehicle towed.

Follow-up: E. Michigan Ave., an 18-year-old Longmont man was identified as a suspect in yesterday’s motor vehicle theft.

Criminal Mischief: 5th Street, graffiti was located on a sign at this location.

License Denied / Speeding: 42nd Street S.W. & Academy Drive, a 30-year-old Loveland man was stopped for going 54-mph in a 30-mph zone. His license is cancelled, denied. Citation and proof of service issued.

Family Problems: Oystercatcher Drive, a resident reported that her husband was threatening her. She could not tell the deputy how he threatened her other than he told he that she needed to go to bed to sleep it off. The wife appeared to be intoxicated and refused to use any resources offered to her to help her.  

Thursday, February 22

Theft: Mt. Meeker Street, a resident reported seeing two females loading a truck with lumber and quickly leaving the area. Theft confirmed after contacting the home builder. A possible suspect was identified and the suspect vehicle is an older model Red Dodge Dakota.

Friday, February 23

Snowball Fight that went Awry: Common Drive, two neighborhood boys were having a snowball fight. An older boy got hit by an outside pitch and chased the two boys.

Vehicle Crash that Wasn’t: Hwy 287 & CR4, two vehicles were called in by a passer-by were possibly in an accident and pulled to the side of the road. It was discovered one vehicle slid off the road and the other vehicle stopped to help.

Saturday, February 24

Family Problems: Redtail Hawk Lane, a mother reported that her 12-year-old son was angry and left on foot. Deputy found the young man walking at Mountain and Berthoud Parkway and brought him home.

Family Problems: 2nd Street, a mother called to report her 37-year-old son showed up at her house. The son was kicked out a while back and mom does not want him there.

Disturbance: Mountain & 8th Street, a resident called to report he heard a lot of screaming and yelling and when he went out to check he observed “multiple” people fighting in the street. I think it was the gold winning Olympic Women’s Hockey Team.

Sunday, February 25

Trespass / Obstructing a Peace Officer: Hollyberry Street, a resident called stating that his friend showed up at his residence for the evening on Friday and was refusing to leave. Upon contact, the friend refused to cooperate with deputies and had to be removed from a closet.

Violation of Bail Bond Conditions / Child Abuse / Criminal Mischief / Harassment / Domestic Violence: Murrlet Street a resident was arrested for the above charges after receiving a report from his wife that multiple incidents took place over the past couple of weeks. She said he has been going “downhill” since his arrest a few weeks ago. Deputies observed the man was walking away from the house. A quick response resulted him being taken into custody without incident. This is the same man that was tased trying to reach for a knife a couple of weeks ago.

Code Enforcement:

Animal Problems – 15
Parking Problems – 4
Other Ordinance Problems – 27 (mostly sidewalk snow removal)

February 25 – February 28

Monday, February 26

Stolen Vehicle Recovery: 3rd Street and Colorado Avenue, Deputy located a Toyota Minivan that was reported stolen out of Loveland.

Tuesday, February 27

Theft: Mountain Ave, Hays Market: Two 12-year-old girls decided to shoplift some mechanical pencil lead yesterday from Hays Market. Through video the School Resource Officer was able to positively identify both girls.

Burglary / Criminal Mischief / Theft: 2nd Street., the warehouse portion of the business was broken into by removing the metal siding and punching a hole through the foam insulation and drywall. $500 worth of product was taken by the suspect.

Identity Theft / Computer Crime: Chokeberry Street, a resident reported that someone opened a Sprint account in his name. He received three iPhones in the mail that he didn’t order.

Warrant Arrest: Mt Massive Street, a 24-year-old man was contacted and had a felony warrant for his arrest out of LCSO and was booked. 

Harassment: Murrlet Street, a resident received several taunting text messages from her sister-in-law over the arrest of her brother.

Suspicious Circumstances: Welch Avenue, a 35-year-old man was contacted by deputies after he was called in by a neighbor for walking around in a daze and bleeding from his left hand. He was located and appeared to be under the influence of an unknown drug and said he tried to get into an address on Welch Avenue because he heard someone screaming. The homeowner arrived on scene and said that the man had property inside his house and was trying to get it. The back-door glass was found to be broken, but entry had not been gained into the house.

Wednesday, February 28

Burglary/Theft: Derby Grill, 110 Bunyan Avenue. Suspect shut the main power off outside which shut the cameras down. Kicked in the glass window next to the patio door. Took around $2000 in cash.

Vehicle Crash/Non-injury: Hwy 287 and CR 8. Vehicle driving southbound turned in front of a vehicle going north. 


About Post Author

Gary Wamsley

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