‘Variety’ Archives
Public Star Night, April 20, 2018
The guest speaker for this public star night will be Allison Barto, the program manager for the James Webb Space telescope at Ball Aerospace. Since the invention of the telescope over 400 years ago, humans have been building bigger and more powerful telescopes in a drive to better understand our amazing Universe. With the advent of the space age, we have been able to pursue even clearer images of the night sky through space-based observatories, revolutionizing astronomical knowledge. For ... Full Story
If John Bolton Is Right, Pearl Harbor Was Perfectly
John Bolton, President Trump's new (and improved) National Security Advisor argues a nuclear first strike against N. Korea is "legal." I am just a country lawyer, but I read the Nuremberg Judgments to condemn aggressive war. Hitler was allegedly guilty of aggressive war when he launched first strikes against other countries. The USA hanged some of his followers for following Hitler's orders to do so. In fact, the USA hanged some of his followers for planning and ... Full Story
China’s Threats of Tariff Retaliation Leaves
Centennial, Colo. -- March 23, 2018 -- In reaction to tariffs on steel and aluminum exports announced by President Trump earlier this month, China has threatened retaliation with tariffs on U.S. exports, including pork, wine, fruit and other agricultural products — the impacts of which, would negatively impact farmers and ranchers here in Colorado. “The threat of these penalties against agriculture would stunt markets here in Colorado for many of our producers,” says Don ... Full Story
LTO Star Night: February 2018
The guest speaker for this public star night will be Bill Possel from Boulder’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and space Physics (LASP), and the topic of his talk will be “the Cassini Mission at Saturn - An Epic Ending to an Epic Mission”. During its “Grand Finale,” the Cassini mission studied a never-before-explored region very close to Saturn. The spacecraft has taken ultra-close images of the planet’s rings and clouds, while revealing new details about its interior and the ... Full Story
Sweetheart Violetts selling African Violets
The Loveland Sweetheart Violetts Society will have its annual Valentine’s sales on Saturday, February 3 and February 10. African violets and related plants plus supplies will be on sale. The February 3 event will be hosted by the Hart Gallery, 135 E 4th Street in Loveland from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The February 10 sale will be at The Flower Bin, 1085 Nelson Road, Longmont, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the growth and ... Full Story
LTO Star Night: January 2018
The guest speaker for this public star night will be Dr. Cherilynn Morrow and the topic of her talk will be about the astronomy of Chaco Culture National Historic Park. The presentation for Little Thompson Observatory will offer an educational and entertaining description of astronomy and archaeo-astronomy at the remote Chaco Culture National Historical Park in northwestern New Mexico, particularly as it relates to Dr. Morrow's recent research and interpretative activities there. Dr. ... Full Story