News for Norther Colorado and the world

Monday, October 14, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Berthoud Lions Club’

9Health Fair a hit

9Health Fair a hit

By Claudia Todd-Young Approximately 400 people received free and low-cost health screenings this past Saturday at the 9Health Fair at Berthoud High School. While it doesn’t take a village to provide these services, it does take volunteers from throughout northern Colorado. Over 75 volunteers made this year’s 9Health Fair a reality for those 400 people. This year was the first time the Berthoud 9Health Fair site was able to offer a chauffeured golf-cart ride to the front door of the high ... Full Story

Lions Club Reverse Raffle

Lions Club Reverse Raffle

Grace Place was bustling on Monday evening as the Berthoud Lions Club held their annual Reverse Raffle. Curtis Wilson, in his white coat and top hat added his usual wit and humor to the evening. Fort Collins Lion, Alan Beatty provide even more humor and delightful songs and tales. There were the usual groans and moans as the names were erased from the big board and dreams of the $1,000 prize evaporated. The eventual winner was not present to accept his prize. Here is the evening in ... Full Story