Posts Tagged ‘Keystone XL’
My hero is a Farmer
Mama, My Hero Didn’t Grow up to Be a Cowboy, He Grew Up to be a Farmer by Nancy Meyer Saturday, Sept 27 I attended the Harvest The Hope Concert nine miles north of Neligh, Nebraska. This wasn’t any ordinary music concert. It was a benefit headlined by none other than Neil Young and Willie Nelson, on behalf of a handful of grass-roots groups fighting the Keystone XL Pipeline in my home state of Nebraska. The event was massive. Over 7000 tickets were sold and many acres of cornfield ... Full Story
Keystone XL – few jobs, higher gas prices
State Department: Keystone XL Pipeline Would Only Create 35 Permanent Jobs By Zoe Schanger When the State Department released their report on the Keystone XL pipeline last month, news media focused on the report’s conclusion that the pipeline would not significantly worsen carbon pollution. The finding was broadly declared a win for advocates of the project, who are now imploring the White House to approve it. But buried in the 11-chapter report was a less sunny detail: the Keystone XL ... Full Story
Forbes: Keystone XL may raise gas prices
Keystone XL could be a terrorist target. Keystone XL Won't Lower Gas Prices, It Might Raise Them By Tim Worstall There’s two things we can say about the effect of the Keystone XL pipeline on gas prices. One is that it will, if built, have no effect at all upon gas prices and the other is that it might actually raise them. Which ends up being the final effect depends upon quite what you want to believe about the way the market operates at present. The standard view ... Full Story
Letters to the Editor – Cory Gardener
Three Letters in support of Cory Gardner Dear Editor We need Cory Gardner as our U. S. Senator. He's been fighting for accountability for the federal government since he was first elected to congress, something we need now more then ever. His bill for committees to hold yearly hearings to locate duplicate and unnecessary programs would result in cost savings and reduce the deficit. Please vote for Cory Gardner for U. S. Senate. Mary K. Carroll Dear Editor I want to thank Cory Gardner ... Full Story
Big Oil attacking the Anti-Fracking movement
By Gary Wamsley I received a large green card in the mail yesterday. It proclaimed that “Local Control of Energy is Bad for Colorado.” The card was paid for by Energy Citizens. This card immediately raised several red flags for me. First, the large size of the card means that it costs considerably more to mail than a standard postcard. That means that whoever Energy Citizens is, it is well financed, unlike most actual citizen groups I have been associated with. Second, the ... Full Story
Every plant, every tree, dead
‘Every Plant And Tree Died’: Huge Alberta Pipeline Spill Raises Safety Questions As Keystone Decision Looms By Kiley Kroh on Jun 18, 2013 at 10:58 am A section of the 100-plus acres contaminated by toxic waste in northern Alberta (Credit: Nathan Vanderklippe/Dene Tha) As the Obama administration’s decision regarding whether to approve the controversial Keystone XL pipeline draws nearer, the latest disaster is raising serious concerns about the safety of Canada’s rapidly ... Full Story
Torture in Texas: Keystone XL
What Fascism Looks Like -- Transcanada And Brutality In East Texas By William Boardman The last stand at the Alamo was in west Texas. East Texas now has a county in the midst of its own last stand against another foreign invader. At the Alamo in 1836 it was the Mexican army over-running all in its path. In Wood County today it's the Canadian corporation TransCanada's Keystone XL Pipeline over-running all in its path -- only this time the Texas government is on the side of ... Full Story
Keystone = higher gas prices
Keystone Pipeline Means Dearer Gas, Few Jobs By Jonathan Alter “I’ll get us that oil from Canada,” Mitt Romney said in his victory speech after the Michigan primary. He was referring to Keystone XL, the crude-oil pipeline that has become a top-tier campaign issue for Republicans. Problem is, the tar-sands oil in that pipeline wouldn’t be coming to “us.” It would go directly from Canada to refineries in the Gulf region en route to ... Full Story
The Keystone XL Flim-Flam
The Keystone XL Flim-Flam Jim Hightower For Rep. Allen West, the skyrocketing price of gasoline is not just a policy matter, it's a personal pocketbook issue. The Florida tea-party Republican (who, of course, blames President Obama for the increase) recently posted a message on Facebook wailing that it's now costing him $70 to fill his Hummer H3. It's hard to feel the pain of a whining, $174,000-a-year congress-critter, but millions of regular Americans really are ... Full Story
Nebraskans applaude Keystone decision
Nebraska Rancher: Keystone Pipeline Decision Shows ‘Courage’ What do you think about the White House’s recent decision? It’s somewhat astounding to me. The turn of events… what has happened in the last few months. I would give the State Department credit. They came out to Nebraska and all the other states and held hearings. They must have listened to our concerns.The people of Nebraska came out in full force, filled the hearing rooms, expressed ... Full Story