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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘unions’

Partisan politics in our schools

Partisan politics in our schools

  School boards become next front in partisan battle Education policy draws higher interest as political parties put more resources into races By Alex Burness Reporter-Herald Staff Writer In a public comment at Wednesday night's Thompson School District Board of Education meeting, Windsor's Amie Toerge lit into Bryce Carlson, the board's vice president, accusing him of helping usher partisan politics into the district. "I was appalled to learn that (Carlson) is currently serving as a ... Full Story

Who killed Twinkie

Who killed Twinkie

        A Death In The Family — And The Question Is: Whodunit? By Jim Hightower   Born in 1930 in Schiller Park, IL, the deceased was 82 years old at the time of passing, which ironically was the day before Thanksgiving. Having long enjoyed the sweet life, the end was a bit bitter, for the dearly departed’s estate had been mercilessly plundered in recent years by unscrupulous money managers. This left 18,500 surviving family members in dire straits. Indeed, the ... Full Story

Romney, Capitalist Dictator or Religious Dictator

Romney, Capitalist Dictator or Religious Dictator

5 Disturbing Signs Romney Would Steer Us to Towards a Capitalist Dictatorship The lies and activities of Mitt's campaign show a contempt for democracy itself. November 3, 2012  | The mainstream media and even Democrats have been slow to call Mitt Romney's deliberate falsehoods "lies." But after just calling them what they are, it is also important to analyze their meaning. Lies on Romney's scale do not simply show contempt for the intelligence of American voters. They show contempt for ... Full Story

Remember When?

Remember When?

Found on Being Liberal's Facebook page  

“Occupy” the World

“Occupy” the World

Are we becoming a police state. The scene of armed police in riot gear confronting unarmed protestors of the Occupy Denver protest was a chilling sight. It must have been a frightening experience for the protestors. Use of government force against protestors is nothing new in the United States. From the Boston Tea Party to Civil Rights Marches to antiwar protests to the Occupy protests of today, protest is a common occurrence in our society. The use of force against protestors is also common. ... Full Story

Infrastructure? Don’t you mean Union?

Infrastructure?  Don’t you mean Union?

  We hear the repeated and resounding call by the President to invest more money on "infrastructure" (roads, bridges, school construction, etc.) Didn't we try this two years ago? Remember "shovel ready projects" that turned out to not quite be " shovel ready as we thought"? Let's look at what this is REALLY all about. Unless I am sadly mistaken, the Davis-Bacon labor laws prevent non-union construction companies from even submitting bids for such federal contracts. Is this ... Full Story