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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Citizens United’

The class warfare the rich don’t understand

The class warfare the rich don’t understand

    Al Jazeera The class warfare the rich don't understand   The Masters of the Universe evaded responsibility and defiantly demanded more sacrifice from their victims, says author. By Heather Digby Parton, Last Modified: 10 Oct 2011 09:43 "Those who own the country ought to govern it." - Founding father, John Jay   There have been rumblings in the corners of the Tea party movement for some time, but the minute president Obama announced that he was going to ask wealthy Americans ... Full Story

Roberts Supreme Court to be Discussed on Bill of

“Roberts Supreme Court Comes of Age: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?” will be the focus of a talk and discussion by CSU Prof. Courtenay Daum of the Political Science Department.  She is the featured speaker at the annual meeting held on Wednesday, December 15, in observance of Bill of Rights Day by the Northern Colorado Chapter of ACLU of Colorado. The meeting will be on Wednesday, December 15,  at the Coloradoan Community Meeting Room, 1300 Riverside Ave., in Fort Collins, ... Full Story

BP and other major polluters fund Tea Party

Tea Party climate change deniers funded by BP and other major polluters The Guardian (UK) BP and several other big European companies are funding the midterm election campaigns of Tea Party favourites who deny the existence of global warming or oppose Barack Obama's energy agenda ... By Suzanne Goldenberg   If you don't get health coverage, Dems will send you to jail The Washington Post The attack ads are coming fast and furious now on both sides, with many of them passing entirely ... Full Story

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