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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘fascism’

NSA’s abuse of power

NSA’s abuse of power

  The NSA's metastasized intelligence-industrial complex is ripe for abuse Where oversight and accountability have failed, Snowden's leaks have opened up a vital public debate on our rights and privacy By Valerie Plame Wilson and Joe Wilson Let's be absolutely clear about the news that the NSA collects massive amounts of information on US citizens – from emails, to telephone calls, to videos, under the Prism program and other Fisa court orders: this story has nothing to do with Edward ... Full Story

The United States of Fascism

    The Fascist State of America By Glen Barry #IStandWithEdwardSnowden because free nations don't spy on and murder their citizens. Democracies don't terrorize sovereign nations and their peoples with torture, false imprisonment, and drone-based perma-war. It is time to stand up against the oil oligarchy's police state that is stifling social change required to achieve universal human rights, justice, equity, and global ecological sustainability. "They who can give up essential ... Full Story

Fascism on the Rise

  There's a New Fascism on the Rise, and the NSA Leaks Show Us What It Looks Like By John Pilger The power of truth-tellers like Edward Snowden is that they dispel a whole mythology carefully constructed by the corporate cinema, the corporate academy and the corporate media.  In his book, Propaganda, published in 1928, Edward Bernays wrote: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic ... Full Story

“Conservatives” opposed the revolution

Proud Conservative? You Should Be Ashamed! (Video)   written by Jason May 4, 2013 If there’s one thing that so-called “conservatives” are good at (besides lying, cheating, stealing, killing, racism, bigotry, misogyny, ignorance and destroying nature), it’s language.  And I don’t mean speaking it, or writing it – because we’ve all seen the signs.  I mean that they’re masters at Orwellian double-speak, and making positive words negative, and vice-versa.  They frequently ... Full Story

Romney, Capitalist Dictator or Religious Dictator

Romney, Capitalist Dictator or Religious Dictator

5 Disturbing Signs Romney Would Steer Us to Towards a Capitalist Dictatorship The lies and activities of Mitt's campaign show a contempt for democracy itself. November 3, 2012  | The mainstream media and even Democrats have been slow to call Mitt Romney's deliberate falsehoods "lies." But after just calling them what they are, it is also important to analyze their meaning. Lies on Romney's scale do not simply show contempt for the intelligence of American voters. They show contempt for ... Full Story

Conservatism and Obama is no Socialist

Conservatism and Obama is no Socialist

  Conservatives weren't always pro-capitalist by Ted Frier One tradition that's been almost entirely forgotten now that Republicans have remade themselves into the wholly-owned subsidiary of Wall Street and other corporate interests is that older species of conservatism which was always hostile to capitalism because it celebrated greed and destroyed the stability of the community. It is impossible to overstate how much of their own legacy and how many of their own scruples modern ... Full Story

Occupy America and Friendly Fascism

Occupy America and Friendly Fascism

  Occupy America and Friendly Fascism: Life in the Corporate Police State October 31, 2011 By John Whitehead     "Law is no longer what it was intended to be - a set of rules equally binding everyone to ensure that outcome inequalities are at least legitimate - and instead has become the opposite: a tool used by the politically and financially powerful to entrench their own power and control the society. That's how and why the law now destroys equality and protects the ... Full Story