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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘House of Representatives’

The importance of Census

The importance of Census

Dear Editor, The 2018 election season is upon us and terminology related to the election can be confusing - two being apportionment and districting. Apportionment determines the number of representatives to the U.S. House of Representative allotted to each state based on population. Each state gets two senators, but population determines the number of representatives. Districting is the process of drawing the lines to establish the population each U.S. House member will represent. ... Full Story

Republicans want war with Iran

Republicans want war with Iran

  Sabotaging House GOP Set to Derail President Obama’s Arms Deal with Iran (Video) Posted by: Barbara Friedland in Hot News December 8, 2013 , 11:48 am Eric Cantor (R-Warmonger) might have some Democratic allies in his goal to defeat the arms agreement between Iran and six other countries, including the United States. Currently this temporary nuclear pact has generated harsh criticism from many Republicans because it allows Iran to continue to enrich uranium. Cantor is seeking to ... Full Story

Republicans protecting rapists?

Republicans protecting rapists?

    Why Does Eric Cantor Want To Protect Rapists?   by Jessica Pieklo - January 3, 2013 There is no greater coward in Congress right now than House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Cantor and his GOP allies killed off the highly effective, highly popular Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) this session over a provision that would give Native American tribes limited authority to prosecute non-Native Americans accused of domestic violence, sexual assault and other crimes against ... Full Story

Romney Budget increases the deficit

    These two videos clearly show why the "Ryan Budget" does not decrease the deficit or the national debt.   Robert Reich Explains The Romney / Ryan Budget Plan   This Lady Isn't Even Trying To Make Paul Ryan Look Dumb