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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘National Rifle Association’

Can We Have Sane Gun Control?

Can We Have Sane Gun Control?

Yes, We Can Have Sane Gun Control Without Trampling Gun Owners' Rights   The NRA is a problem for sane gun enthusiasts. By Joshua Holland, AtlerNet, December 14, 2012  | Editor's note: a version of this piece originally ran after the Minnesota Sikh Temple shootings in August. The United States is not the only country to experience the horrors of mass shootings. We are, however, the only society in which a serious discussion of tighter gun controls doesn't follow incidents like the ... Full Story

Will the real NRA please stand up

Will the real NRA please stand up

  The Suprising Unknown History of the NRA For most of its history, the NRA supported gun control laws and did not see government as the enemy. By Steven Rosenfeld January 13, 2013  | For nearly a century after, its founding in 1871, the National Rifle Association was among America’s foremost pro-gun control organizations. It was not until 1977 when the NRA that Americans know today emerged, after libertarians who equated owning a gun with the epitome of freedom and fomented ... Full Story

Congress fears the NRA

Congress fears the NRA

                    Update: Confirmed, Congress is Owned By The NRA by Paul Canning Last week, I reported on how a poll had found that the vast majority of Americans supported some restrictions on gun ownership. I also reported on how the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence would be lobbying Congress — here’s what they asked Congress members to support: I believe that these people should not be able to buy, own or carry a gun anywhere in ... Full Story