Posts Tagged ‘ACORN’
IRS scandal is phony
IRS 'Scandal' Appears Nearly as Phony as Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones, ACORN 'Scandals' By Brad Friedman "Listening to the nightly news, this appears to be just the latest example of a culture of cover-ups --- and political intimidation --- in this administration," declared the opportunistic Republican Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee during a hearing today on the "scandal" related to the IRS use of Rightwing words such as "Tea Party" to help identify groups applying for ... Full Story
GOP Election fraud scandal widens
Nationwide GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal Widens, Criminal Probe Opens in Florida October 1st, 2012 7:23 pm Brad Friedman A major element of the Republican National Committee’s overall attempt to game the 2012 elections by trying to affect who gets to vote and who does not, has just been stopped dead in its tracks. Along with it, a criminal election fraud complaint has now reportedly been filed with law enforcement in the state of Florida against a Republican firm, owned ... Full Story