December 2024


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Sunday, December 1, 2024

Posts Tagged ‘guns’

Second Amendment Americans

Claudia Young In addition to all of the other issues in this current presidential race, the name-calling has become second nature in the Republican candidate’s repertoire. Most of us have sadly become accustomed to such rhetoric. However, when Trump insinuates that a large group of Americans has the capability of acting violently simply because of their beliefs in the 2nd Amendment, it is time to speak up on my own behalf. How dare Trump label any single group as 2nd Amendment ... Full Story

Challenging the NRA

Challenging the NRA

Lt. Col. Robert Bateman challenges the NRA By Demi Moaned It's been some time now since I added Charles Pierce's 'The Politics Blog' over at Esquire to my daily blogroll. His righteous indignation coupled with his madcap prose stylings are sui generis and often hilarious. But, although Pierce is the proprietor and primary contributor to the blog, other writers are sometimes featured. Among them is a semi-regular whom I've come to increasingly appreciate named Lt. Col. Robert ... Full Story

Concealed Carry Cowards

Concealed Carry Cowards

Are George Zimmerman and Michael Dunn "protecting" us? By Martha Rosenberg (about the author) The pro-gun lobby has successfully changed the gun violence argument from asking how mass shooters pass background checks and buy guns legally to why weren't there more guns around. Almost every mass shooter from Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech), James Holmes (Aurora), Jared Loughner (Tucson) and Stephen Phillip Kazmierczak (Northern Illinois University) to the more recent shooters, Aaron Alexis ... Full Story

When May I Shoot a Student?

When May I Shoot a Student?

  By Triplepoint This op-ed in the NYTimes this morning by Prof. Greg Hampikian, Boise State University in Idaho, has written a must-read masterpiece of weaponized snark. The Idaho legislature has a bill pending that would allow students on campus to carry guns. A taste... BOISE, Idaho — TO the chief counsel of the Idaho State Legislature: In light of the bill permitting guns on our state’s college and university campuses, which is likely to be approved by the state House of ... Full Story

Badge, license to kill

Badge, license to kill

  Why Do Cops Who Shoot Unarmed People Get Their Guns Back? By Kevin Mathews  What happens to police officers who shoot unarmed citizens while on duty? More often than not, nothing. Even in the most egregious examples of misconduct and bad policing, officers are found not guilty in court (if they even stand trial in the first place) and are free to return to duty… re-armed to potentially cause more harm in the future. This pattern is a serious miscarriage of justice. By refusing to ... Full Story

Thanks NRA!

Thanks NRA!

Thanks NRA! Gun Nut Kills Two Brothers He Mistakenly Believed Were On His Property A “responsible gun owning” West Virginia man with a large stockpile of weapons in his house apparently decided that it was time to use some of them. So when two men showed up at an outbuilding near his house in the town of Barboursville, he decided to blast them away, with no warning whatsoever. No “Hey, you are trespassing, get off my property!” No calling the police to let them handle it, no nothing. ... Full Story

Gun Fail XLVII

Gun Fail XLVII

  'I can do anything I want on my property!' he screamed, and fired three more rounds. GunFAIL XLVIII   One of the lightest weeks in child shootings in recent memory. Congratulations, America! I found just three children accidentally shot this week, ages 3, 4, and 8. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way of just shutting the flow off completely, but it's nice to finally see less than a half dozen or so. Also coming in on the low side were home invasion shootings, GunFAIL ... Full Story

Gun Fail

Gun Fail

Lowe's knows... I have a gun, because I just shot myself with it in their parking lot: GunFAIL XLVII by David WaldmanFollow   Just your basic, routine, 40+ GunFAIL events week. Though once again, the hunting season is responsible for about a quarter of those listed. I count 11 clear hunting accidents this past week, two more that came in as late reports from prior weeks, plus one more that isn't as clearly labeled a hunting accident, but was being investigated by the Indiana Department of ... Full Story

Responsible Gun Owner of the Day

Responsible Gun Owner of the Day

  Toddler Shoots Self, Gun Owner Immediately Arrested by Kristina Chew Toddlers and guns: you’ve very likely already read one too many reports about a small child finding a gun and killing someone or even her or himself. There have been way, way too many such stories lately, each one more a glaring reminder about the United State’s failed efforts to reform gun control laws.On Sunday, 3-year-old Damon C. Holbrook found a .40-caliber handgun loaded with 15 rounds in an ... Full Story

93% of Senators Who Rejected Gun Control Paid by NRA

93% of Senators Who Rejected Gun Control Paid by NRA

  By Kevin Mathews When 90% of Americans want increased gun control policies and their elected officials reject even minimal reform, it begs the question, who exactly are our Congress members representing? Well, as usual, the money tells a significant part of the story: 42 out of the 45 Senators who voted no on the recent bill have received significant donations from the gun lobby. “Politicians are bought!” “Politics are corrupt!” “Corporate interests over the welfare of ... Full Story

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