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Posts Tagged ‘middle east’

Drone pilot speaks out

Drone pilot speaks out

I worked on the US drone program. The public should know what really goes on Few of the politicians who so brazenly proclaim the benefits of drones have a real clue how it actually works (and doesn't) By Heather Linebaugh Whenever I read comments by politicians defending the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Predator and Reaper program – aka drones – I wish I could ask them a few questions. I'd start with: "How many women and children have you seen incinerated by a Hellfire missile?" And: "How ... Full Story

Why did Bush invade Iraq?

Why did Bush invade Iraq?

  Have We Ever Gotten to the Bottom of Exactly 'Why' Bush and the Neocons Disastrously Invaded Iraq? The true purpose of the Iraq invasion remains opaque. Here's a theory why. March 22, 2013  | By Robert Perry A decade after President George W. Bush ordered the unprovoked invasion of Iraq, one of the enduring mysteries has been why. There was the rationale sold to a frightened American people in 2002-2003 – that Saddam Hussein was plotting to attack them with WMDs – but no one in ... Full Story

Iraq Veteran to die for our sins

Iraq Veteran to die for our sins

  The Crucifixion of Thomas Young Tomas Young is the face of war they do not want you to see. March 11, 2013  | By Chris Hedges I flew to Kansas City last week to see Tomas Young. Young was paralyzed in Iraq in 2004. He is now receiving hospice care at his home. I knew him by reputation and the movie documentary  “Body of War.”He was one of the first veterans to publicly oppose the war in Iraq. He fought as long and as hard as he could against the war that crippled him, until his ... Full Story

The Iraq War: Who Got It Wrong

The Iraq War: Who Got It Wrong

  March 11, 2013 By Jason Sattler The shock of 9/11 and the rapid appearance of success in ousting the Taliban presented George W. Bush with political power few U.S. presidents have enjoyed. Bush’s approval rating shot up to an astounding 90 percent in the aftermath of the largest-ever terror attack on Americans. Less than a year later, the Republican Party picked up eight House seats and control of the Senate — one of the few times in history the president’s party posted gains in ... Full Story

Bush’s Great Foreign Policy Disaster

Bush’s Great Foreign Policy Disaster

The Worst Mistake in U.S. History  America Will Never Recover from Bush's Great Foreign Policy Disaster By Peter Van Buren in Tom's Dispatch Ten years ago, George Bush made a decision that this country will regret for a very long time. Iraq: Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com March 7, 2013  | I was there. And “there” was nowhere. And nowhere was the place to be if you wanted to see the signs of end times for the American Empire up close. It was the place to be if you wanted to see ... Full Story

The War that will kill the dollar

  From The Gold Report Richard Maybury: The War that Will Kill the Dollar Interview by JT Long A war-mongering U.S. government could be less than 18 months away from decimating the last 5% of value left in the dollar, says Richard Maybury, the author of the U.S. & World Early Warning Report. Until some new exchange-traded-fund-like basket of natural resources provides a store of value, this "juris naturalist" has some advice about how to protect your wealth during the coming ... Full Story

World Affairs Daily, March 10

World Affairs Daily, March 10

  China's Nervous Neighbors Play the America Card By Richard Weitz China's increasing military power and aggressiveness has raised alarms in Southeast Asia. Richard Weitz explains how the region, together with the US, has begun to recalculate, adjust, and realign policies and relationships to counter China's increasingly menacing posture.  Read More   The Arms Trade, Dictators, and the Innocent Dead Michael Zantovsky Blog As Qaddafi murders his subjects, the moral relativism, ... Full Story