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Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lundberg Report: March 2016

  1. Cruz Wins Colorado!
  2. Caucus or Primary?
  3. Prayer Rally at the Capitol
  4. Half-Way Through Session
  1. Cruz Wins Colorado!

Last week, on Super-Tuesday, there was a great turn-out at the precinct caucuses in Larimer County. I talked to 19 precincts at threes different locations. Even though there were some complications with so many people attending, overall it was a very successful night.

The Republican party in Colorado did not conduct a state straw poll of presidential candidates (the national party would them require our delegates to be “bound” to the results), however some counties conducted their own straw polls. We were able to find the results from four major counties, Weld, Adams, Boulder and Larimer.

Aggregating those county results gave Cruz 40%, Rubio 25%, Trump 18%, and Kasich 6%. These are definitely unofficial results of a non-binding straw poll, but it is a clear indication that Ted Cruz can count Colorado in his column of states he has won in a caucus.

  1. Caucus or Primary?

There has been some frustration expressed over the caucuses held last week. I responded in a thread on facebook. I am republishing it here, because this deserves more attention and more discussion.

Having attended precinct caucuses since 1972, and having compared notes with legislators in states who have a primary instead of a caucus, I am more convinced that we have the most effective grassroots system for selecting candidates for general elections.

To continue reading this article on my website, click here.

  1. Prayer Rally at the Capitol

Thousands of people have been assembling at state capitols across the nation to attend inspirational rallies where Franklin Graham is speaking. He has committed to traveling to all fifty capitols and calling the nation to prayer.

On March 15 at noon Franklin Graham will be on the West Steps of the Colorado State Capitol as part of his national Decision America 2016 tour. Click here for event details.

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