Posts Tagged ‘dictatorship’
Romney, Capitalist Dictator or Religious Dictator
5 Disturbing Signs Romney Would Steer Us to Towards a Capitalist Dictatorship The lies and activities of Mitt's campaign show a contempt for democracy itself. November 3, 2012 | The mainstream media and even Democrats have been slow to call Mitt Romney's deliberate falsehoods "lies." But after just calling them what they are, it is also important to analyze their meaning. Lies on Romney's scale do not simply show contempt for the intelligence of American voters. They show contempt for ... Full Story
Learn from these young Egyptians?
To the Editor, I watched in amazement as the young people of Egypt peacefully arose to overturn their country’s dictatorship. They revolted against a system ruled by an elite few, where all the wealth flowed upward, and ordinary people had no opportunity to progress, no matter how bright, skilled or educated they might be. Is Egypt now ripe for theocracy? Not likely. Egyptians have closely watched the Iranian revolution and its aftermath. They see their Iranian counterparts desperately ... Full Story