I’ve been watching the Sheriff’s race with some interest over the last several months and I have to ask; who is this Constitutional Carl that recently arrived on the political scene? I’ve attended candidate forums and speaking engagements and to be honest, I’ve yet to hear any real substance from him. He simply espouses the kind of rhetoric that we’ve all come to expect from aspiring politicians over the years. Once you cut through the rhetoric, he appears to be just another politician, long on promises, but short on performance. He makes great claims to business success, but all I’ve found in my research is that he was vice president of a company called Covad, which was successfully sued by its investors in 2000 for fraud under the Securities Exchange Act. That’s not the kind of experience that I want in a Sheriff. I’ve read up on his opponent, Justin Smith and I am truly impressed with what I read. He’s a true lawman and public servant who has demonstrated his commitment to our community with his two decades of public service. If you want a candidate who delivers on his promises, join me in supporting Justin Smith for Sheriff.
Rick Hudson
Berthoud, Colorado